
1. Studies

Finishing my final year at University of Galway, aiming to graduate with a triple first in 2024. I am committed to training as a clinical psychologist. I plan on moving to London or Oxford in late 2024 to find work as an assistant psychologist. I am aiming to apply to the clinical psychology program at Oxford.

One of my colleagues (who acted on the Westend for years) put it best: "it's a like a smell that just follows you around and wont leave, right?"


2. Funding

As an independent full-time student, I fund myself in these ways:

Contact me here for podcast production or coaching services (first session free of charge and full refunds if not satisfied).

3. Writing

Co-authored Gods, Heroes, and Groups: Exploring Relational Dynamics through Mythological Archetypes due to be published by Phoenix Publishing House in late 2023 or early 2024. This project is a collaboration with Brant Elwood (né Evans), Executive Director at Red Oak Recovery, who received his MSc in Group Psychology from Columbia University. He is the lead author.

Brant and I are now teaming up with a third author, Campbell Dean, to create a Power of Myth-style book but for modern group dynamics.


4. Reading

Critical thinking has never been my strong suit. Following a recommendation from Marcas Ó Conghaile Muirthemne (a great Irish name on him) of the More Christ YouTube channel, I began to read Susan Wise Bauer's The Well-Educated Mind: A Guide to the Classical Education You Never Had.

Susan provides a framework for critically analysing classical literature; I thought it a good vehicle for sharpening my critical ability. I am making my way through her recommended reading list.

Currently readingMiguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote


5. Board

Angelo John Lewis, the CEO of Sacred Inclusion Network, invited me to sit on the board of directors. Founded by members of Group Relations International, part of Sacred Inclusion Network's mission is to offer venues for exploration, healing, and personal growth that aspire to be free of dogma or pre-conceived institutional beliefs of any kind. As someone exploring their Catholic roots, I expect this to be an interesting and fruitful collaboration.


6. Lifting

Aiming for:

  • 225kg/496lbs squat (low bar)
  • 140kg/309lbs bench (with ass on bench)
  • 200kg/440lbs deadlift


7. Music

Music has always been a big part of my life. I regularly DJ in my local city and share music on Soundcloud. My taste varies anywhere from house, garage, hip hop, hard groove, and breaks to pop. Follow me here



"I'm interested in collaborating..."

I'm always open to ideas. Send me an email with your thoughts and we can take it from there.

"I'm interested in just talking..."

In the area and want to meet for a coffee? Reach out on Twitter or WhatsApp.